Facebook Faceover: 5 Ways to Spruce Up the Status of your Status
Don’t blink! It’s important to catch the eyes of your target audience fast. Knowing how to make your Facebook posts quick and appealing will increase your clicks and shares. Faceover your Facebook with these 5 simple steps.
1. KISSS – Keep It Super Short & Simple
In a 140 character world, simplicity is intelligence! The shorter the better. Post only key points in your status. Readers will not take a second look at a paragraph length post and will scroll down to something shorter.
2. Stat it Up
Trying to cram all the facts in one post will not catch your readers attention. If posting research or important numbers, make it visual with an infographic or attach a link containing all the juicy details and tease readers to click the link.
3. Say Cheese
Pictures gain more likes and shares! Post pictures of your day to day or interesting things that relate back to your mission or services.
4. Share the Spotlight
Posting about yourself too much will turn followers off quick. Be sure to engage to your viewers. Interact with them by posting pictures and content that interests them and encourages feedback.
5. Make the Call
Always keep your call to action in mind. Your social network sites should work together to define your desired call to action – whether it’s to drive viewers to your website or sign up for your organization newsletter. Get your reader thinking and make your call to action areas visible.
Author: Chelsea Thompson for Whipp.
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