
Links are like people. How does a post go viral? Word of mouth (and flash mobs). Think of each link like a mega-phone for your content and start shouting.
My boss, Chris, was mentioning that he was so happy he grew up without cell phones. No one filmed his big mistakes and broadcasted it on YouTube; no one tweeted or updated their Facebook status about his relationships or drunken moments. No one took pictures of every moment of his life, all the bad haircuts, all the poor style choices, bad dance moves,  all the things that would make him look back and cringe in embarrassment. No, instead…Chris grew up with a private life.
Today, links are like people. FLASH MOBS of people. Teenage substance abuse, embarrassing pictures, and bad choices make the top of the charts.
So…how do you compete with those much more interesting tales without embarrassment?
Well…we can tell you one thing…don’t give your mom your Facebook password.

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