Social media killed the blog star?

Did social media take off and break the blogger hearts? Have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, and all the other social networks done to blogging what video did to radio? Remember the lyrics? “Video killed the radio star.” Have blogger voices and careers been cut...

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Links are like people. How does a post go viral? Word of mouth (and flash mobs). Think of each link like a mega-phone for your content and start shouting.   My boss, Chris, was mentioning that he was so happy he grew up without cell phones. No...

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DCA – Diet Coke Anonymous

Ralph and Chris, Whipp partners, first began using Diet Coke when they took the Pepsi challenge in 1994 and Coke won. They desperately wanted to get out, but as the rewards points piled up the cost of quitting outweighed the benefit. They are most recently...

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First Key to SEO: Keywords

Companies optimize how their web pages are found by allocating keywords to their pages. Good keywords (and phrases) are relevant and easily found online.   Hypothetical situation: An online shopper types a keyword into Bing or Google. The search engine then determines the top matches for those...

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